The Year So Far

I wrote that one of my goals this year was to write more but judging from the interval of my posts, I am not doing well with that goal. So, let us rectify that with this post.

My year started with a sad note. I lost 3 relatives one after the other. On top of that, I contracted chikungunya.  We mourned for our loved ones and I fought the disease with rest, nourishment and lots of fluids.  I tried to be a trooper, faced the challenges and just embraced the year ahead. It was not hard to brighten my mood because I received post-Christmas goodies from loved ones. I feel blessed.


Despite the challenges, I was able to spend time with family and friends.


There were small achievements for the past two months. I was able to clean the room where my aunt and uncle would stay this month. The room still needs a little organization but with the major cleaning done, I think I do not have to sweat that much anymore to make the room comfortable for them. And, I was also able to do some kitchen experiments.


I set up my Facebook page. (Shameless plug: Please like my page if you have not done so. )


As soon as my Facebook page went up, my friend,Tess, asked me to paint the walls of the pads she owns (and rents out). I have such supportive friends who put their trust in my skills.  Last year, my friend, Erns, also asked me to paint her walls.


Oh, I was well-fed. I was not a starving artist! My friend made sure of that!


Oh, I did some projects, too. They were mostly requests from friends.


And I practiced some lettering and flourishing.


I also cleaned up my work area. I found those cute and colorful organizers in a local shop here.


See that painting? It was my first attempt at using acrylics but I was not happy with the outcome so I painted over it. Tada!


Now, I have 4 canvases waiting to be painted because my aunt wanted me to paint 4 panels for her. My niece also asked me to paint her something as my wedding gift for her. Plus, a friend also asked me to paint 4 watercolor artworks for her.  I am always thankful when someone appreciates my art.   I hope I will be able to paint something they will like.

How was your year so far?

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