This was the first time I made baked macaroni.
I was supposed to make lasagna. I bought instant lasagna sheets. I know the box said “instant” but I did not follow the instructions. Instant lasagna sheets do not need be cooked in boiling water before arranging the layers for baking. But I did for fear I might under-cook the pasta sheets. Minutes later, I found myself trying to separate the sheets of boiled lasagna that stuck together to no avail. Sweat pooled over my brows. The meat sauce, cheese sauce and grated cheese were ready for assembly. Of course, I do not want to ruin the entire dish just because I insist on using the ruined pasta. No choice. I ran to the nearest grocery to buy lasagna sheets but they did not have any so I bought macaroni instead. Thus, we had baked macaroni that night.
My aunts liked what I cooked. That made me happy. I think I’ll just stick to baked macaroni for awhile. We still have leftovers that evening. We kept the leftovers in the fridge and just reheat the next day.
wow! that certainly looks good. Also tried making one but it was a disaster.hehe
it was a lasagna disaster. 😀