Two of the books I read last year were “Steal Like an Artist” and “Show You Work” by Austin Kleon. The books gave me the push to pursue the artistic path- the path that seemed to be way off-tangent from what I studied in the university and the career paths I took for the past 19 years. Here I am in my late 30’s and I am still pursuing and figuring out my passion, whatever it is. If I compare myself to my parents in their 30’s, it seemed like they had everything figured out while I am still clueless of what I want to do and I am nearing 40! At this age, my parents had stable jobs, were raising a family (me) and were in control of their lives while I still feel like a child: wide-eyed and unsure of herself. Yet, after reading the books, I felt that I have a place in the artistic world I am trying to squeeze myself in.
I do not remember everything the two books have taught me but there were a few things that stayed in mind that seemed to speak to me. Austin wrote,”Do not wait until you know who you are to get started.” I am one of those people who would wait for the right moment-the right time- instead of making the moment be the right time. Life is short. We have a finite lifetime and if we live by waiting for opportunities to fall in our lap, we might be waiting forever. Instead, we can create the opportunities.
It is the fear of failing that keeps me from doing the things I planned to do. I may write cliches about handling failure and believe them but in reality, I really do not want to fail. I would rather not do anything than do something and fail. But what good does that kind of mindset do to me? Nothing. The fear of failure puts my dreams at risk. Amy Poehler has some wise words about it.
“Great people do things before they’re ready. They do things before they know they can do it. Doing what you’re afraid of, getting out of your comfort zone, taking risks like that- that’s what life is. You might be really good. You might find out something about yourself that’s really special and if you’re not good, who cares? You tried something. Now you know something about yourself.”
And who else can talk to me about failure and success than one of my favorite authors, J.K. Rowling? Many of us who read her books know that she was broke when wrote Harry Potter in a cafe in Edinburgh and that the manuscript she submitted to publishers was rejected several times. Yet, she persevered.
So what is the point of writing all these? This is actually a pep talk to myself. I am taking baby steps in pursuing a creative path. Right now, I am inclined to do a lot of art. I now have a Facebook page for those who are interested in getting me to do commission work for them. The Facebook page has samples of artwork that I have done in the past.
I have actually taken the steps quietly. Some friends asked me to do some artwork for them last year. This year, I am opening up the same service to anyone who is interested. You can like my facebook page to get updates on the projects that I am doing (or maybe you want me to do some projects for you. let’s talk!) and some snippets of my life. I will also share my blog posts there.
Here is the link to the eponymous Facebook page:
Hope you have the time to interact with me in that page. See you there!
I’ve been designing websites for more than 3 years now, but I still don’t think it’s enough to call myself creative. I can’t draw, paint or even appreciate art. I want to learn more, but I guess you’re right, it’s the fear o ailing that stops me. This year I have told myself to at least try and practice until I find what I really want to do.
I would have wanted to include designing websites as one of my skills but I cannot find the time to learn it so I just did the blogging route.
I like this “Do not wait until you know who you are to get started”. I’m not a risk taker so even I want to do something, takot ako magfail. I should motivate myself na wag maghintay forever, just do it.
Medyo matagal din before ako nag-share ng page na ito.
It’s always great to be able to do something that you’ve always wanted! I hope things go great for you this year! Keep following your dreams!
Oh, I hope so, too!
Thank you for your book recommendations! I was myself inspired with Elizabeth Gilbert`s book “Big Magic”, as it is wonderful for motivating people to follow their dreams and be creative.
Oh, I will check that out. I have only read Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Eat, Pray, Love”
This is really inspiring, Im gonna try to get a hold on both these book to arouse the artist in me1
Go, read them.
“For me, it is the fear of failing that keeps me from doing the things I planned to do.” And for me, as well! Taking the first is always the hardest. Good luck in your pursuit of art!
I took months of preparation (and hesitance!) Imagine the time I wasted because I hesitated.
I hope you find your passions. Life is about living the moments and letting the moments define it.
I try make each moment count.
I think many of us have a hidden artistic inclination we have suppressed because of our striving for academic excellence as youths. Some are fortunate enough to go for it as young people. Some of us wait until our adult commitments have been addressed before giving our artistic dream some time.
True. A career in art was never encouraged by my parents. It was neither discouraged but I did not hear them telling me to pursue it as a career.
Just stay as open minded as possible with all the opportunities that might come on your way. Because you’ll never know that the next thing that you’ll bump into will be your ultimate passion.
True. I try to keep an open mind.
you are so talented. i wanna learn how to write like that in watercolor, too! <3
I’ll share tips soon!
The book has made its impact on you. And that’s what books should be doing to readers.
Might check them out, if not for me, maybe to be given to potential artists as well? 
It did. It was a simple book but I gave me the push.
I love the quotes from Lemony Snicket and JK Rowling. JK’s story is so inspiring, i truly admire and respect her not just as an author but as a woman.
The painting is the most noble art of all, it frees the soul.
Wow. I did not know that. Thanks!
I’ve been trying my luck with watercolor art too but I guess I’m just not that artistic enough so I stop for the meantime, you do have it in you tho.
Thank you, Thet!
Congratulations for having the FB Page for your artwork. I will visit your page later.
Just keep on pursuing your passion.
Thanks, Allan. You and Maye are two of my inspirations.
Finally sis! I wish you good luck and alam ko naman you are very talented.
Wow! Their is so much creativity in you.
As of me, I design and layout website on my own too though not tried it in watercolors and on bare hands. What I do with these hands of mind is some of DIY crafts for my little one. 
Wow! I love your handwriting. I wish I could be as good as you, I find watercolor very tricky to work with.
You are very creative Sis, the hand written alone is outstanding. I’m looking forward for more post from you. Keep it up!
Great to see that you are perusing what you love and I love your writings!!
I like the quote you shared because sometimes I am also like that, I wait for the right time. We really have to make our moments and not just wait for the right time.
wow, such a great work, till now I’m still learning and also waiting for the right time. But we are all creative in our own way. hehe pangpalubag ng loob
that handwriting is just so amazing. it’s something that i want to frame and post on my girls’ bedroom. ^_^
Do what you want and love what you do! Go girl! Thank you for this inspiring post. I’m looking a push for something I would like to do and I think I got some here
You are really a very talented lady sis galing! I am already your fan. Hehehe.. It’s never too late to pursue what you want in life.
I used to do a lot of handwriting until the computer came and now my handwriting sucks lol. I would probably try my hand at this art sometime
Go for it, Kat! That is very awesome talent you have. I also remember one of my fave quotes by James Clear. It goes something like “Successful people don’t wait until they’re ready.”
Your art is really amazing! It makes me wanted to try this one. Thanks for this inspiring post.
go go go Kat! Your letter art looks really good! tumatanggap pa ko ng Christmas gifts
Hope you continue to share more of your art here in your blog ha.
One day, Vera.