Painting Vlog 1: The Oil Painting Newbie

I am an oil painting newbie.  My friends gave me this Daler-Rowney set when I did commissions for them. (Such generous friends! Thank you, Maea and Randy!)   It took me 8 months to try oil painting. I got the set last October and I got the  brushes from Jackson’s Art in January.

oil painting, brushes

But I was only able to buy linseed oil last week.

My friend,  Jeanne, who asked me to teach her how to paint flowers in acrylic, has done several oil paintings already.  She is so artistic! (And a fast learner!) So I asked her where she was able to buy linseed oil.  She referred me to a local bookstore. When I was able to finally buy linseed oil, I tried to learn how to paint with oils. I also watched the Youtube videos of Lena Danya and Andrew Tischler.

This was something new that I was going to try so I documented my learning journey though a vlog!  This was also the first time that I was in front of the camera talking about my art. LOL.  I was very awkward. Hahaha Twenty years from now, I hope I would be able to look at this video and see my younger self with much fondness even with the grammar mistakes I made. ( Bisaya is my default language.) Here’s my video:

I shared my thoughts and realizations in the middle of the video and at the end of the video.  Oil painting is difficult!  Perhaps I will write another blog post about that.

These are my oil painting outputs.

oil painting landscape

the oil painting newbie

I also painted botanicals with oils.

botanical oil painting

Comparing my output with my watercolor painting,  I have better result with watercolors. I think I should focus on watercolors for now.  Hahaha!

botanical watercolor

Till next vlog or blog! (Whichever comes first)

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