This is my futile attempt to create an artwork in my
cheap uber-cool planner. In time, this will be filled with doodles.
I finally shared this blog to friends. (Although, some friends found their way to my blog.) It took some time to share my blog to everyone because I’m shy. I am not shy when sharing blog posts to strangers. I would happily link up my posts during online discussions. With friends, I fear criticisms. There, I said it. Unfavorable replies hurt when they come from people whose opinions matter me. I just have to conquer this fear. Fear feeds worries and my life’s goal is to live with less worries. (Correct grammar should have been “fewer worries”.) If I was brave enough to travel with Sendong even after I saw the damage and traveled again through Lanao del Norte at night, whatever fear (of criticisms) I had was immaterial. I had to get over this hurdle and move on. All it took was one wall post on Facebook. This blog post is my way of saying thanks to my friends for being kind. Don’t worry I won’t spill our secrets. 😉
Not bad sis! I don’t think I can ever do that. I don’t have that talent.
Thanks, Bechay!
Chanced upon your blog while going through the LinkReferral directory.
Now following you via GFC. It’d be a pleasure if you can follow mine, too!
Thanks in advance!
Thanks! Sure, I’ll follow you. 😀
I’m actually worried too of how friends and family would view my blog, but since I’m kapal-muks I’ve shared them my blog url. Luckily, they don’t have anything negative to say naman. Sometimes, we’re just over-thinking. I think if strangers can appreciate our blogs, people who matter to us would too.. 🙂
PS: Following your blog thru GFC. Hope you can follow my blog for the love of food.. XD Thanks!
Hi, Sumi! Oo nga. Ako lang nagpapastress sa sarili ko. Waah!
You are in my links list. I followed you using GFC but I am not getting your feeds so I followed you on Bloglovin’ instead.