My 2016 Goals

I wrote a long list of plans last year. I only achieved 11 out of the 25 things I planned to do. One would think I would stop making a list.  No, sir. Here I am again. I have learned my lesson and settled for five goals for this year.  I got the idea from Lindsey of The Postman’s Knock. She posted a challenge to write one’s goals in a creative manner- something that is display-worthy. So I came up with this.


 Let me expound my goals further.

1. Create more art. I have enjoyed doing watercolor art for more than a year now after picking up that brush again. I still have a lot to learn and a lot to practice. Friends asked me to make them some artwork and I accepted their requests as a challenge. Yes, they paid me! I am now in process of creating my Facebook page for my art and other future projects.  I will start accepting commission work from those who are interested in owning a watercolor artwork from me.  I will blog about it soon.


Commission work I did last year.

2.  Write more often. Technically, I write for a living. However, when I say ‘write more often’, I meant that I should blog more and write about my experiences. I am often tempted to just post the pictures on Facebook and just let the photos tell the stories.  There are experiences that are best described using words.  I wish I can do more of that this year.  It is when I write that I get to process my thoughts better and polish them into something that is worth reading (I hope).

3. Make time for personal reflection.  I wish I can say that I pray a lot. I do not. I try to be a good person but I do not have that regular routine where I take time to meditate and reflect on the what happened during the day. I want to enrich my day with daily reflections, meaningful prayers and words from the scriptures.

4.  Do more kitchen adventures.  I cooked some pork ribs with sauce last December. My aunts liked it that they requested I make it for Christmas lunch. I should do more of such kind of cooking this year. My aunt from Canada is coming home and I want to cook nice meals for her. Plus, my aunt is getting an oven this year so I will embark on more baking experiments. In many of my daydreams (hahaha!), I own a bakeshop where the shop is adorned with my art. I would offer baking and art classes every month and hold afternoon tea parties for friends. Hey, daydreaming is free!


Pork ribs in Korean Barbecue Sauce by Kat

5. Keep track on finances. I did my taxes yesterday. I realized I did not earn that much last year. I am a freelancer. The projects I get are unpredictable. However, I did not realize that I was already taking a dip on my savings and it created a dent on my liquidity.  The plus side, I am not in debt but I felt poor. This year, I will try to keep track on my expenses and earnings so there will be no surprises for me.

Do you have goals for 2016?

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