Garden Plants for All Soul’s Day

Halloween celebration is still a foreign idea to me.  Around this time, our thoughts are on our plans for All Soul’s Day.

Since 2006, this has been our All Soul’s Day flower arrangement for our loved ones.

It was just a makeshift cross. Floral foams are attached to secure the flowers in place. We then spray water on the foam and flowers to keep them fresh. Every year, we just replace the flowers.

The cross is only made of scrap wood. The wood has deteriorated that last year, we can no longer hang it. It was place on top of the tomb instead.

This year, the wood is too brittle to use. We had to discard it. We can no longer use it.

Flowers around this time are expensive We used to buy this yellow flowers at P25 for three bunches for the altar on a weekly basis.

When we asked the flower vendor for the price early this week, it already cost P20 per bunch. We did not buy this time.

My aunts remembered that we have these plants in our garden.

 These garden flower were offered to our loved ones.

We passed by these flowers in the cemetery pathways.

I told my aunt that we should plant this type of flower in our garden so we can use them next year. She said she already did. I hope the plant grows well.

Did you also visit your loved ones in the cemetery?



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