Do you still print photos?

I am always the photographer in group gatherings and family activities. I take hundreds of photos in every event.  However, my aunt often laments that she does not get to see the photos. Of course, I showed her the photos but she tends to forget I have taken those photos because she often forgets I had them. I post some of them on Facebook but she does not have Facebook and email.

These photos are from the recent family get together when my cousin came home.

These photos are from the recent family get together when my cousin came home.


When we went to the mall yesterday, we found those cute picture frames which can be nicely grouped in the wall.  I had my bedroom wall painted gray and the white frames would really stand out in my wall.  I am thinking of having my photos printed to black and white. The problem for me now is selecting which of the photos will I choose to have printed.

Also, I still have piles of albums from the time when we still use film cameras. It would be nice to put them all in one photobook for posterity. But that would be hundreds of photos since childhood. It is like printing a real book. It will take time for me to meticulously layout each page.  I am parking that idea on my head.

Producing a photobook can be expensive so I need to find something where I can save some money in printing.  In my case, I have two projects in mind- the photos I will put in the frame and the old photos I need to reprint.

Good thing there is ePhotoCouponCodes where all the discount codes for my photoprinting needs are all in one place. Everything is online so I do not need to drive to the printers. My prints will be delivered on my door step. That is so convenient.

How about you? Do you still print photos?

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