30-day Blogging Challenge

This April, I will be on a self-imposed blogging challenge.

I created the graphics using Pantone’s colors for Sping 2012.

When I started blogging, my goal was to write one blog post a day. I am still not reaching that goal. There are days that I don’t feel like writing.  I read somewhere that you need to write 1,000 words a day to be a good writer.  So instead of worrying what to write, I have already written down the topics so I have a guide. I cannot guarantee 1,000 words or good writing but if I write something everyday, I believe it will improve my writing a teeny-tiny bit . (Or maybe not.) What I know for sure is that: In the future, when I look back at April 2012, I’ll know what I did during this month. 😉

So, here’s the challenge:  I will write about the chosen topic of the day. I chose some of the topics to force me to do something creative and write about it.  I hope to tap my creative side (if I still have one). The topics chosen are based on my interests.

If you are a blogger, you are free to join me. Let me know by leaving a comment so I can read your entries, too. 😀

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