The New Look

The thought of redesigning this blog has been in the back of my head since I wrote about it last February. I never really had the time to sit and plan how I am going to go about it. I would have wanted to have an enriching experience learning how to do it on my own. Β However, I never really had the time.

Whenever I came across a blog that I like I looked at what WordPress theme was used. Most often, I find blogs under the Genesis Framework to my liking. It is not a free framework and I still need to learn how use it. The best thing I can do is hire someone to do the web designing. Research led me to Fancy Girl Design Studio. Β I love her sense of style Β so I commissioned her to do my blog.

If you have forgotten how my old blog looked, this is the previous design. It was pretty plain.


Patricia asked me to answer some design questions to determine my preferred design. I wrote that I wanted a calm and serene look and picked these two color palettes from

Although pink is my favorite color, I specifically told her not to use pink or purple. She sent the two options.

I picked the first one because I want a cleaner look. I suggested a background on the post title.
katrina design 1b

I gave it a go. And now I have a prettier blog than before. It is minimalistic like the original but it already has some design elements that reflect my taste.

Thanks, Patricia!

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