The Art of Writing

My aunt is a retired elementary teacher and she has beautiful penmanship.  She told me that back then she would know a pupil’s grade 2 teacher by the penmanship. It was in Grade 2 when students were taught cursive writing.  I don’t know if there are still handwriting classes in grade school especially with the existence of mobile phones and computers.  I am still lucky because I was able to enjoy the analog world. We used to write notes instead of texting.  These are my friends notes for me in college. They left me written messages in my table in the dormitory when I am not around.  Priceless!


It has been years since I have actually written a letter and gone to the post office to mail them so I welcomed Fozzy‘s invitation to write her a love letter.


Well, I poured my heart out like a giddy fan! It was written in my regular pensmanship on a card I made myself. I painted watercolor flowers.


I got my reply back and I also got another letter from a friend. Sweet!


I finally bought myself a calligraphy kit for beginners from The Craft Central.


I tried writing using the calligraphy oblique holder with NikkoG nib. I need more practice.


Have you mailed a handwritten letter lately?

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