Owning a Blog

This is not my first blog. I started toying the idea of creating a website to earn money in 2006. I had a grand dream of creating a website and sit pretty while revenues keep coming in.  I realized that it was not as easy as I though it would be. HA!

I started the website for the wrong reasons.  Ultimately, it did not succeed.  Besides,  I did not have fun creating it.


Source: iobad.com via kat on Pinterest


I did not stop there. I created another blog similar to this one but I distanced myself from it. I wrote posts where I think would yield great SEO (search engine optimization).  If my friends find that blog, I do not think they would know it was me writing it. It was hard for me to maintain that blog and I was having hard time updating it.

Content , they say, is king.  It is a challenge to write interesting content.  I try to visualize who I am writing the content for and I try to keep it engaging.



Last year, I decided to change my mindset about blogging. I started writing about my experiences in my own voice. I now write like I am talking to a friend. I stopped worrying about earning from it.  I just gave it a go and, a year later,  I am still enjoying the process.

I built a blog almost from scratch. Instead of going through free hosting sites, I went for a self-hosted site. I chose a WordPress platform because I have heard wonderful things about it.

You can also build a website even without experience.  There are helpful sites like http://www.hereshowtomakeawebsite.com/ that can guide you into creating one. Although content is king, you still need at least a workable space where you can start building your content. Find your niche. I suggest that it has to be something you are interested in because it is difficult to write about something when you heart is not into it. You have to enjoy what you do.


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