How was your Feb 29?

February 29 comes only once every four years so early in the morning of that day,  I wondered if something special will happen later in the day.

Nothing happened in the morning. Then I remembered that the results of 2011 bar exams will be released at 2PM. I know a few people who took the bar exams. By 2PM, the supreme court website was difficult to access. After an hour or so, I was able to check the results.  One of  names I was looking for passed and the other one didn’t.

Who else passed? Christopher Lao! To those who cyber-bullied him, you’ve been informed. Hide now!

Screenshot from the supreme court website

ANC’s twitter account posted the photos of the top 10 bar examinees.

Screen capture taken from @ANCAlerts

I am amazed at the 10th placer, Rodolfo Aquino. My impression was that this person never gave up on his dream of becoming  a lawyer.  I was curious about the story behind the man. Apparently, I was not the only one who got curious about his story.  I found out that the guy has multiple graduate degrees. Read more here, here and here.

All the waiting for the bar exam results got me hungry.  I had a craving for pancake. My favorite recipe is by Alton Brown.  His recipe calls for creating a pancake mix that is good for 3 batches. I did not have enough flour to do that so I used Martha Stewart’s recipe.

While everyone else was celebrating the bar exam results, crying over it or watching Miriam go ballistic on national television, I was making pancakes. Feb 29 turned out to be pancake day for me.

my pancakes

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