How I Tried to Eat Healthy… and Failed Sometimes

I quit drinking coke the day after my birthday in 2014.  I think I am quite successful with it since I get comments from my friends that I lost weight.  I noticed that when I watch what I eat, I lose weight faster.  So I try to eat as healthy as possible.  To be able to have control over what I eat, I need to prepare and cook my meals.

I made some effort to cook and prepare healthier alternatives to our usual fatty meals and sugar-rich desserts and snacks.

I saw this on instagram and I wanted to try it myself.

Not your usual egg and french fries.

Not your usual egg and french fries.

That is half a peach, yogurt and sliced apple.  I discovered that an apple dipped in yogurt is delicious.


Since I still have that yogurt, another alternative to the “fries and eggs” would those cakes in a jar. I prepared my fruits.  I was thinking of layering them like a parfait. I have the cooked oats to replace the cake, yogurt for the cream and the fruits.


I used a mayonnaise jar.  (There are a lot of mason jars being sold in stores. You can use those, too.)


I should have cut  the fruits into smaller pieces to make the layers more define. I  still have excess ingredients that did not fit in the jar.  They went to the bowl for instant gratification.


 I did not use sugar so it tasted bland but the mango and apple are sweet so it was okay for me.  My aunt has a different opinion.  Hahaha She did not like it.  It was not for her anyway.

The pope was in the country and my aunts were glued to the TV so I volunteered to prepare one meal for them. I wanted try cooking the fish tinola (fish soup) I had  like what I have tasted in a shrimp place we tried.


On the lower left is pan-fried seafood tofu. It was sold frozen in one fish store in the city. On the lower right is bacalao sauteed in oil and garlic. It was sold in jar from the same fish store I bought the tofu from. Bacalao is a type of fish which then dried and placed in a jar like sardines. I also bought the tuna I used for the fish tinola from the same store.

Since I still have yogurt, I mixed  cubed peaches and froze it.   I unmolded the  frozen yogurt into the plate and garnished it with sliced peaches.


I am trying to eat healthy because of this 21-day challenge.


However, I received  a message from a childhood friend whom I have not seen in a long time that she would be sending me goodies she made through her brother. Of course, I will not refuse that wonderful gesture of friendship.  I got leche flan, ham and cheese puto and brownies.


After devouring the food, I am back to Day 1 of the 21-day no junkfood challege. Good thing, my uncle came and brought me guavas.


I think it is okay to take a break from dieting and enjoy life’s simple pleasures like a thoughtful gesture from a friend.

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