Fruit Popsicles and Mug Cake

Since I was trying to eat healthy food, I have been depriving myself from eating desserts. Good thing I found popsicle trays at Daiso.  I got this urge to immediately use it. As a start, I made fruit popsicles.


This is fairly easy. I bought watermelon, avocado and mango. I chopped the fruits finely and layer them.


I also made popsicle made with purely mangoes.


I guess fruits are good for the heart.


My 21-day No Junk Food Challenge ended on Valentine’s day. I wanted to try this mug cake recipe.


Preparation time is less than 5 minutes and you only need to microwave it for 70 seconds.   This is how it looks inside the mug.


I removed the caked from the mug and did something with the presentation.


It is actually good. Can you see the lizard keeping an eye on the chocolate cake?


True to its name, it is really moist.


I want to try other mug cake recipes!

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