Artistic Inspirations: Kahlo, Dali and Kandinsky

I got into watercolor painting when I saw a video on how to paint a realistic apple.  From then on, I kept on practicing and I usually do that by finding inspirations from famous artists and their paintings. I am always attracted to paintings with pretty colors and beautiful subjects like flowers and landscapes.  However, I came across artists whose paintings evoke their emotions and struggles.  There are those paintings that make you think and process what the artist wished to convey.  Here are three artists with thought provoking masterpieces:

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo has painted many self-portraits in her lifetime. These paintings reflect her life story and the pain that she endured. Art must have been a good outlet for her to express her emotions. In my case, I have only done one self-portrait and it vaguely resembles me! It was not an expression of anything but a practice on skills and I came on a realization that I need to practice more.


This is my self-portait. Not Frida Kahloesque. Not thought provoking. ha!

Salvador Dali


Salvador Dali is a Spanish painter known for his surrealist painting. Surrealism is a movement that tries to connect  dream to reality.  An example of  a surrealism by Dali is “Persistence of Memory” which showed soft clocks against a landscape. There are many symbolisms in the painting that reflect his thoughts. Some objects are incorporated together that does seem to relate to each other.  The painting makes you think and you can just be engrossed in it at the same time.

Wassily Kandinsky 

Wassily Kandinsky is a Russian abstract painter. He is known for his colorful masterpieces. His early works were  impressionistic which gradually transitioned to a period of abstract painting. He is know to have immersed himself into art theory which explains his use of colors in his painting. I love colors and I must admit that I do not understand abstract painting. But there is a something about Kandinsky’s work that makes you appreciate the artist that he is.

How about you?  Who are your favorite artists?

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